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Campers’ Views on the Effects of English Immersion Camp

Initiatives for Aural/Oral Skills Development of Pre-and In-Service EFL Teachers


This study examines the effects of three English language immersion camps on the participants. Capitalizing on Participatory Action Research, and informed by Experiential Learning and Social Constructivism, these camps constitute an attempt by a Brazilian Amazonian university to mitigate the lack of fluency and proficiency in English among EFL initial teacher education students and state school teachers of English in the region. Data gathered through interviews and participant observation notes were analyzed following a thematic analysis approach. Results suggest expansion of the participants’ English vocabulary and knowledge of the American culture, and development of listening and speaking skills. Additionally, a comparison of discourse themes emerging from this study with those from other similar investigations indicates high resonance between them, suggesting that these programs may be a reliable alternative mode of instruction for additional language education, and reinforcing the theory that massive target language comprehensible input and output generate language learning.

Atualizado em 19/04/2022 às 17:25 Visitas: 217